Sewing Rooms

Sewing rooms are near and dear to my heart. I love to see all the nooks and crannies because that’s where all the excitement takes place. While I was in Orlando I had the pleasure of staying with Kathiann.Oh! Her room was so finished and complete. Tiled floor and cabinetry to perfection and fit!!It’s funny, but these rooms or spaces say a lot about how the women who creates in them.   It shows how resourceful we are and what type of person we are.

This little item was my favorite thing!! Kathiann took a cosmetic bag of sorts and had holes punched randomly. She then stuffed all the loose ribbons and trims in and pulled a small portion out to show what she had. How totally awesome!!Well, besides from a totally cool sewing room she also had this terrific pool, but… the best part… Look above it… Who knew they made these??? I want this more than anything else….. A huge screened in backyard!!

Then I went and stayed with another friend, Janice Ferguson, from   She also lives in Florida in a old 100 year old Florida House. Tile floors throughout, multiple screened rooms, pool, and a sewing room. Janice’s room is in what was formally a solarium. AWESOMEHer room is long and Full of light. I guess thats why they called them solariums.

 Oh so Organized…..

As soon as see these lovely rooms I always ask… “Ok! where’s the stash!” To my amazement they show me…  These stashes are usually hidden in closets or bins under beds. Well…. Not Janice! Boldly, where no woman has ventured into… (at least to my knowledge) the man cave or otherwise known as the  Garage!!! Now, let me state here their garage is a 1923 converted carriage house…. Need I say more. Again amazing. However amazing it was, no pictures were allowed!! LOL

I have so much more to add to my Orlando trip, but pizzas are burning…

 Thanks ladies for all your lovely hospitality!

2 responses

  1. […] after teaching in Orlando (I’ll share more of that visit in a future post).  She has posted photos of my sewing room (gulp….) on her […]

  2. […] been!  Of course, sewing here lacks the conveniences of sewing in my cluttered but well stocked  sewing room at home.   Here I have a 6′ table, poor lighting and few sewing supplies.  Making do is not […]

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